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Rotamix hydraulic mixing for digester

Rotamix is a cost-effective and stable stirring system that stirs and disperses solids in large volumes, for example in digesters. Agitation is done with a Vaughan chopper pump and fixed ejector nozzles. It is a very competitive alternative to propeller, gas and air agitation and can be advantageously installed in basins, tanks and digesters. Due to the lack of moving components inside the tank, maintenance is minimal.

How does the Rotamix agitation system work?

Rotamix agitation system involves a circulation and process agitation in a digester or similar type of tank. The jet agitation is created by means of fixed jet nozzles and an external pump.

  • A laminar flow has its highest velocity at the outer edge of the tank
  • A vortex-oriented flow has the highest velocity at the centre
  • Combined, it gives a more uniform flow in the tank/digester and there is good agitation along the entire diameter of the tank

Vaughan’s chopper pump is the heart of the agitation system process, as it not only pumps the media around but also continuously disperses all solids. The specially designed jet nozzles are positioned and angled for optimum performance, and for the induced flow to greatly increase agitation. The high-speed nozzles maintain the jet over a long distance and thus the agitation reaches around the entire volume of the tank.

Read more about Vaughan chopperpump

Customised agitation systems with many advantages

At MAF Pump, we design, calculate and optimise each individual Rotamix agitation system based on unique data specified by the customer. Each Rotamix system is therefore optimised to your unique conditions.

A common application is stirring in biogas tanks and municipal digesters, where Rotamix stirring systems have a number of advantages:

  • Mixing of the entire volume.
  • Even and high temperature everywhere.
  • Minimises the risk of sedimentation.
  • The continuous disintegration of coarser particles by the chopper pump provides a larger surface area for the bacterial flora to attack, resulting in a higher gas yield.
  • Continuous cutting also prevents the formation of long structures, which otherwise hinder efficient agitation.
  • In addition, the increased digestion rate reduces the volume of sludge in the dewatering process and facilitates further disposal of the sludge.
Vaughan Chopperpump HE6U8 for Rotamix agitation at Halmstad ARV

Product catalog

Read more about Rotamix jet mixing in this brochure


Vi servar de flesta fabrikat av excenterskruvpumpar och som den enda svenska återförsäljaren av Vaughan chopperpump och Volute slamavvattningsutrustning utför vi även service på dessa produkter. Tack vare vårt stora lager av reservdelar så kan vi säkra snabba leveranser till bästa kvalitet.

Våra servicetekniker har lång erfarenhet. Vi utför allt ifrån förebyggande underhåll till alla typer av ombyggnationer av pumpar, till exempel byte från packbox till mekanisk axeltätning. Vi är duktiga på kundunika speciallösningar och kan exempelvis anpassa pumphus och matarskruvar för att anpassa driften för olika kunders behov.

Patrick Nero

Innesäljare och norra Sverige
031 – 45 30 16

Per Karlsson

Kundansvarig södra Sverige
070 – 283 84 73

Henrik Johansson

Kundansvarig västra Sverige
072 – 580 82 81

Bobo Ölander

Kundansvarig östra Sverige
073 – 393 82 57

Magnus Lindén

Utvecklings- och Försäljningschef
Affärsområde Volute
070 – 603 19 52


by Peter Ahlbäck, August 22, 2019

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