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Vaughan Chopperpump

Vaughan’s cutting centrifugal pumps are the most powerful on the market and are ideal for difficult media. This is a reliable pump with easy maintenance.

Vaughan’s centrifugal pumps cut up any incoming material before it is pumped further, which not only prevents clogging of the pump, but also facilitates other applications later in the process.

Vaughan’s cutting centrifugal pump – ideal for pumping stations

The Vaughan pump is high performance in pumping stations, for example, but can be used to advantage in many different applications where there are problems with clogging, or where the medium needs to be cut in order to be pumped.

Common applications are:

  • Circulation over heat exchanger in digester
  • Stirring in digester, with or without MaxMix
  • Stirring in mixed slurry tanks
  • Stirring in sludge storage tank before dewatering
  • Sewage pumping stations
  • Paper and pulp industry, e.g. debarking, sumps, process effluents
  • Food industry, e.g. waste, meat and fish cleaning, shells
Henrik Johansson, Customer Manager Western Sweden

Of course, the Vaughan pump can be supplied in all common configurations, such as horizontal, vertical, submersible, wet-mounted and self-priming.

How Vaughan cutting drain pump works

The Vaughan Chopperpump should not be confused with other cutting pumps or macerators. The Vaughan pump is uniquely designed to optimally disintegrate and pump demanding products.

The Vaughan Chopperpump has several unique patented solutions to make it the world’s leading chopper pump:

  • Vaughan’s oil-lubricated cartridge seals handle the toughest media far better than standard simple mechanical shaft seals. This means less risk of clogging and wear.
  • Impurities and fibres that have entered behind the impeller are cut up and transported away by the backside scales that cut against the rear knife edges.
    Solid particles and fibres are chopped between the rotating curved and sharpened front edges of the pump blades, and the fixed double blade.
  • The curvature of the blades provides a smooth cutting action without shock loading. The shield nut cuts long-phase material that otherwise tends to wrap around the wheel hub.
  • In some applications, an additional cutting tool is used to cut up really large solid particles so that they do not block the inlet.
  • The tolerances between the cutting elements are tight and are easily maintained via set screws without the need to disassemble the centrifugal pump.


Vi servar de flesta fabrikat av excenterskruvpumpar och som den enda svenska återförsäljaren av Vaughan chopperpump och Volute slamavvattningsutrustning utför vi även service på dessa produkter. Tack vare vårt stora lager av reservdelar så kan vi säkra snabba leveranser till bästa kvalitet.

Våra servicetekniker har lång erfarenhet. Vi utför allt ifrån förebyggande underhåll till alla typer av ombyggnationer av pumpar, till exempel byte från packbox till mekanisk axeltätning. Vi är duktiga på kundunika speciallösningar och kan exempelvis anpassa pumphus och matarskruvar för att anpassa driften för olika kunders behov.

Patrick Nero

Innesäljare och norra Sverige
031 – 45 30 16

Per Karlsson

Kundansvarig södra Sverige
070 – 283 84 73

Henrik Johansson

Kundansvarig västra Sverige
072 – 580 82 81

Bobo Ölander

Kundansvarig östra Sverige
073 – 393 82 57

Magnus Lindén

Utvecklings- och Försäljningschef
Affärsområde Volute
070 – 603 19 52


by Peter Ahlbäck, August 22, 2019

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